Gabrielle Gabrielle

The Freedom of retaining traditional knowledge: Tallow Balm

Opinion: The movement of regaining traditional knowledge is not by accident

Do you believe God is surprised by all of our human altering of his DESIGN?

Whether its fruits, vegetables, seeds, or even our animals?

Or more on topic. Our skincare products.

As society began pushing chemicals, seed oils, with toxic long-term issues I see the comeback for the deep desire to have the freedom that our ancestors had.

I don’t think we surprise him on what we have done or what we are doing. But I do see His Hands in providing us with this nagging feeling to go back to the basics. To find the calmness in traditional remedies, to take back the courage to heal our families.

I know that as we allow the Holy Spirit to grow in our lives we can begin to experience that feeling of wanting to avoid the unhealthy lifestyles. The obvious ones like addiction, greed, gluttony. But again, more on topic. Our toxic retail consumerism, skincare products especially.

Sustainability in using the whole animal = less need for waste. (As vegan leather becomes popular, more animal hides end up in the landfil while non-biodegradable materials overflow into it and in the vegan standards begin to ravage the supermarkets, we have to question. How would this be sustained in history and as life continues.

The freedom that our ancestors had in knowing how to easily access what resources they had to utilize for their families needs, survival. Less waste too.

Tallow Balm is one of those freedoms.

Our Tallow Balms utilize Olive oil because it is repeatedly spoken about in the Bible to be used on our skin! The Benefits are clear.

No seed oil. We will not be waiting until science catches up with the knowledge that seed oils are not healthy for humans to consume or utilize on their skin.

In a world where toxic lifestyles have become rampant, we often feel the urge to find freedom in sustainable alternatives. Thankfully, God has provided us with His plan in The Bible, which not only guides us to live a life marked by love, grace, and righteousness but also encourages us to seek sustainable and wholesome choices. As we dive into the Scriptures, we discover wisdom and teachings that call us to be responsible stewards of the Earth, to care for our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, and to prioritize the well-being of all creation. God's plan offers us a path towards freedom, not only from the unhealthy patterns that surround us but also from the burden of harming ourselves and the world we inhabit. Through His word, God equips us to navigate the challenges of modern society while embracing a sustainable lifestyle, intertwining faith and stewardship for the betterment of ourselves and the world around us.

Find truth and Freedom in HIS Word.

When you have that urge to find the knowledge. Instead of scrolling social media where you’ll find great divides. Pick up your Bible. OR use an APP to listen to your favorite Bible Version while you work.

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