God Geared Grace’s Pledge

  • Luke 6:31

    Luke 6:31

    Luke 6:31 states “Do to others as you would have them do to you”.

    This verse is what fuels our ethical standards. Honestly this is a main topic daily between me and my kids as I continue to teach them how to be fair siblings and friends.

    Backstory: Once we began growing our family, we began to see how hard it was to find transparent, ethical, and safe products for our children. So many products seem safe, but indeed are not. “Greenwashed” began to be what we called these companies. But why does anyone need to intensely investigate companies and ingredients to know for sure if what we are purchasing, spending our money on is bringing health to our family. As parents our main goal for our families is to bring health. Once I began to have open eyes to the skincare products that are sold in the store, I then began to create our own. I am even talking about the ones that are labeled “natural, safe, and ethical”.

    I only sell what I feel is beneficial and safe. I only sell what I wish was easily accessible when I had my first child, but honestly even for my mother and hers. The way it used to be. I only sell what I use for myself and my family.

  • Luke 6:38

    Luke 6:37-38

    “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. DO not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

    This rings true in all things:

    Family, Friends, Work, Community

    We have a local women’s clinic who is TRULY working in favor of the women and children they serve. Bringing education, pregnancy testing, ultrasound exams, counseling, STD testing and treatment. They provide diapers, wipes, and skin care needs, clothing, and more.

    Women and children in need should have access to safe and healthy products too!

    We will be gifting products as needed to Genesis Women’s Clinic. We started with our Rash Rescue Cream and Unscented Calendula Tallow Balm. As our business grows so will our donations to Genesis Women’s Clinic.

    When you support us, you help us further support local missions like Genesis Women’s Clinic.

  • Praise Him, what we have HE gave

    Praise the Lord

    Psalm 104:14-17

    “14 He makes grass grow for the cattle,

    and plants for people to cultivate—

    bringing forth food from the earth:

    15wine that gladdens human hearts,

    oil to make their faces shine,

    and bread that sustains their hearts.

    God has made us and this earth.

    Designed together.

    Man, cares for the land.

    The land feeds the cattle.

    the Cattle feeds man.

    When we utilize all of the cow, like rendering the beef Tallow we reduce the waste. But this tradition of low and slow rendering of the Beef Tallow brings back the ancient skincare routine that we have so desperately needed.

    He has known what we needed from the start.

    I take extra care in the selection of our ingredients. Knowing God has a plan and design for us. Many who have moved away from modern standard skin care know the difference. But if you are new here and are unsure where to begin in your natural handmade skincare journey be sure to reach out so I can answer any questions you may have.

    Tallow and Olive oil are not the “basic skin care need”. They are the gold standard on what our skin needs. Everything else is just extra. Herbs for specific healing or clays for detoxification from our worldly pollutants.

    But take heart in knowing each of our products are carefully made with the thought of the health of you and our earth.